The Aardvarks – Subconscious Train Of Thought

Subconscious Train of Thought is a song by American garage band The Aardvarks from 1968. By the way, Aarkvard is also the term for the mammalian species aardvark, which are endemic to the continent of sub-Saharan Africa.

One calendar year after the breakup of the band The Aardvarks, the first episodes of the 17-part animated series The Ant and the Aardvark were released.[1] The series probably has nothing to do with the band, but we would like to point it out because of the conceptual proximity of the word aardvark.

Subconscious Train Of Thought (Stax'68: a Memphis Story)

Subconscious Train of Thought as well as another track by The Aardvarks, namely Unicorn Man, are included on the compilation Stax'68: a Memphis Story. Because 2018 marked the anniversary of 1968, an important year for American history and Stax Records, the CD compilation was released in this year. The compilation includes five audio CDs featuring approximately 120 artists from the 1968 era, as well as a 56-page book of previously unpublished photos from the Stax archives.[2]

Further bands with the name The Aardwarks

The band name The Aardvarks enjoys relatively great popularity. There are at least two American bands called The Aardvarks that are still active and touring or can be booked for gigs at the time this article is being written.


[1] Wikipedia contributors. (2023). The Ant and the Aardvark. Wikipedia.

[2] STAX ’68: A MEMPHIS STORY - Stax Records. Stax Records.

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